Kesha torna con una nuova canzone: Rich White Straight Men (AUDIO)

03 Giu 2019 Fabiano Minacci • Tempo di lettura: 3 minuti

Kesha è tornata con una canzone davvero particolare. La popstar ha rilasciato Rich White Straight Men, un brano in cui immagina un mondo non dominato da uomini bianchi, ricchi ed eterosessuali. Non penso si tratti di un singolo che anticipa il nuovo album, ma fa comunque piacere vedere Kesha attiva e al lavoro a della nuova musica.

Rich White Straight Men - testo

You could ride a unicorn to school And if you fall off you’d have healthcare (No you don’t!) If you finish school you’d go to college for free That makes sense and that’s fair (No it’s not!) If you were a lady Then you own your lady parts Just like a man goes to a dealership And then he owns a car Vroom vroom F–k you! What if life as we knew it was over Guess what god is a woman I know What if rich, white, straight men Didn’t rule the world anymore What if rich, white, straight men Didn’t rule the world anymore If you’re from another land then come here You won’t have to climb a wall (Yes you will!) If you are a boy who loves a boy You’ll get a wedding cake and all (Not in Colorado!) If you are a lady and you do your lady work Then you will make as many dollars as the boys Not just two thirds Cha ching f–k you! What if life as we knew it was over Guess what God is a woman I know What if rich, white, straight men Didn’t rule the world anymore What if rich, white, straight men Didn’t rule the world anymore Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wish the world was different Where who you love and who you are Was nobody’s f–king business What if rich, white, straight men Didn’t rule the world anymore What if rich, white, straight men Didn’t rule the world anymore What if rich, white, straight men Didn’t rule the world anymore What if rich, white, straight men Didn’t rule the world anymore What if…
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